Pavel Durov has been detained at a Paris airport on a warrant related to the investigation of Telegram's activities. The reactions and statements from prominent individuals.
France has announced its intention to build eight additional EPR2 nuclear power units, which will lead to an increase in the total capacity of nuclear power plants by more than 23 GW.
French President Emmanuel Macron dissolves the National Assembly and schedules new elections for June 30, in response to his party's defeat in the European Parliament elections.
The Presidents of the United States and France discussed measures to support Ukraine and strengthen NATO security, reaffirming their commitment to defending freedom and democracy.
The lower house of the French parliament has approved a law against "fast fashion": taxes and an advertising ban will be introduced to protect the environment
The French frigate successfully withstood an attack by unmanned aerial vehicles in the Red Sea, launched from the territory of Yemen. The Houthi rebels took responsibility for the attacks