Talks in Brussels focused on security guarantees for Ukraine, strengthening air defense, and economic support. Zelensky discussed key steps with the NATO Secretary General.
Russia is preparing for a potential conflict with NATO within the next 10 years, said Defense Minister Andrei Belousov, citing decisions from the alliance's summit and doctrines.
At a meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, a decision was made on the need for a strategic approach to Russia's threats and an increase in aid to Ukraine.
Генеральний секретар НАТО Марк Рютте заявив про необхідність посилити військову допомогу Україні у відповідь на присутність північнокорейських військ у Росії для війни проти України.
Following Turkey's ratification of Sweden's membership in NATO, Canada is lifting restrictions on the supply of arms to Turkey, requiring guarantees of use